Arruda Collective

Anti-Discriminatory Seminar House and Co-Living Project

(our website is in work in progress at the moment…)

About us

About us

Arruda is self-organized with various projects and initiatives.

The umbrella organisation is the non-profit association officially called „KuBiB e.V.“ – Kultur und Bildung in Brandenburg (Culture and education in Brandenburg). The project is run by a collective.

It is located in the countryside in Brandenburg with a distance of 1 hour from Berlin, the nearest train station is about 3 km distance in Falkenberg (Mark).

Our main focus is on Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism, Empowerment and Queerfeminism.


In 2012 KuBiB e.V. was founded by the first Generation. Back then the sight was bought by Kubib e.V. and the project was named “Quecke” (Couchgrass). Uncountable hours and immense labour went into renovating the house. Waterpipes and heating system needed to be prepared. Basic structural repairs needed to happen. With fundings by LEADER accessible bathrooms and movement space could be installed.

3 Generations of groups formed and dissolved under the name “Quecke”, and struggling to keep working towards the goal to make the Seminar house a officially public space. The hurdles were the various fire and health and safety regulations that kept changing and demanding the last of the capacities of all.

In 2021 the space was officially opened and declared in public. Since then the collective structure undertook a lot of structural changes and founded a new start with the 4th Generation. To mark this, “Arruda” (Weinraute) was formed and is thriving ever since.
Seminar House

Seminar House


The central political focus is the Anti-discrimination Seminar House where we provide space for groups that fight against discrimination and/or are affected by it, to organize themselves, come together, facilitate workshops and more.

Besides being involved in setting up Arruda on a daily basis, we as a collective also want to promote events and discussions to bring together anti-racism fights and queer feminist struggles. We are committed to create a community space that is sensible towards different forms of discriminations.

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The living space on Arruda is for marginalised bodies in the countryside.

There is two living groups here that are organised separately by each group themselves. Each living space has its own system of cleaning, doing groceries and living together.

As habitants at Arruda we share responsibility for our garden where we grow food and daily tasks which we discuss at our monthly Housemeetings.

Everybody who lives here is asked to be part of the Arruda Collective, that means sharing the responsibilities to run the Arruda Collective and making decisions together based on consensus.

If you are interested in collective living and working in Arruda project then write to us via the contact form or to our email address.
